Since its establishment in 1982, and its first issue of CENTER: A Journal for Architecture in America shortly after, a primary aim of the Center for American Architecture and Design has been to provide a high-quality publishing platform for research and scholarship on vital topics in architecture and design.
In 1997, CENTER was repositioned as a book series, edited and published in-house by CAAD. The Centerline series was added in 2005. Over the years, CAAD has published and supported other books and series, including the We Need to Talk About series, based on CAAD symposia; Latitudes 1–3, part of CENTER; the school’s annual PLATFORM magazine; and the school’s O’Neil Ford Monograph and Duograph series.
CAAD continues to edit and publish its books in-house, collaborating with a roster of graphic designers. Our publications have been recognized by such entities as the American Association of Museums, The Independent Publisher Book ("IPPY") Awards, the International Committee of Architectural Critics (CICA), and the Texas Society of Architects. Books are available for purchase through our online store.

The CENTER series explores architecture in relation to its complementary arts and disciplines, with each volume bringing together diverse perspectives through an edited collection of essays.

Where CENTER explores topics through a broad approach, Centerline is more focused, with each volume offering an investigation into—or the documentation of—a particular project, practice, or line of thought in a compact eight-by-eight-inch format.

CAAD also publishes one-off volumes that fall outside of its series.