The School of Architecture is one of the smallest academic units at The University of Texas at Austin. Our undergraduate student body exemplifies the diverse constitution of the communities we strive to serve. In support of unique perspectives and experiences, all applications are reviewed with an understanding that excellence may manifest itself in many areas and may be expressed in different forms, such as compelling essays, strong academic preparation, extracurricular activities, excellent test scores, life experiences, as well as other accomplishments.
Undergraduate degrees are available in architecture and interior design.
Prospective students and families may learn about School of Architecture degree programs, facilities, career services, student support services, internships, and study abroad programs at a Prospective Student Information Session. The one-hour session includes detailed application process information and a time for questions.
Registration for School of Architecture Information Sessions, as well as the UT General Admitted Freshman, Prospective Freshman, or Transfer Session, is available on the Texas Admissions website. Once on the registration page, please select the college to view dates and register for the School of Architecture Sessions.
Visitors may also schedule time for a tour of the School of Architecture's facilities, led by a current student.
310 Inner Campus Drive B7500
Austin, TX 78712-1009
Applications to The University of Texas at Austin for freshman admission are available online. The University of Texas at Austin admissions process is administered centrally by the Texas Admissions office. The School of Architecture is unable to accommodate all qualified applicants and preference is given to candidates considered to have best demonstrated the interest, aptitude, and dedication to pursue a design education. All applications are evaluated with emphasis on the following areas: SAT or ACT scores, class rank, essays, academic preparation, extracurricular activities, and other achievements. Portfolios are not accepted from freshman applicants.
Applications to The University of Texas at Austin for external transfer admission are available online. The University of Texas at Austin admissions process is administered centrally by the Texas Admissions office. Please note that applicants may apply for fall semester only, and the application deadline is March 1. External transfer applications and portfolios are accepted only from students of architecture and interior design programs at other universities whose mimimum transfer GPA is 3.25. The required portfolio will be evaluated with emphasis given to excellence in design, academic preparation, essays, and other achievements. Course credit and placement in studio sequence is determined upon acceptance. External transfer admission is offered to a few qualified applicants each year, based on available space.
For more information on external transfer admission, please read the External Transfer Student FAQ.
To request a major change, enrolled University of Texas at Austin students applying for internal transfer must have a minimum of 24 in-resident UT Austin credit hours (completed by the end of a spring semester) and a minimum UT Austin GPA of 3.25. Emphasis is given to strong performance in university courses, especially courses relevant to the degree program to which the applicant is applying. Meeting these requirements does not guarantee admission.
For more information on internal transfer admission, please read the Internal Transfer Student FAQ.
International undergraduate applicants should see Texas Admissions' International Undergraduate section for application information.

Please be sure to use the correct major code on applications. Students wishing to pursue an undergraduate architecture or interior design degree program must be formally admitted to the School of Architecture with one of the following major codes:
- Bachelor of Science in Interior Design, 908000
- Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies, 908400
- Bachelor of Architecture, 909200
- Bachelor of Architecture + Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, 909201
- Bachelor of Architecture + Bachelor of Arts in Plan II, 909300
Students who intend to pursue the dual degree in Architecture and Plan II Honors must apply to both programs. Please contact the Plan II Honors Program Office in the College of Liberal Arts for further information regarding the separate and early application to the Plan II Honors Program: 512-471-1442.
Students admitted to the Bachelor of Architecture + Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering will complete degree requirements through the School of Architecture (Bachelor of Architecture) and the Cockrell School of Engineering (Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering). Applicants are strongly encouraged to also familiarize themselves with the admissions requirements of the Cockrell School of Engineering.
Although credit by examination is not offered for architecture courses, it is possible to receive credit by examination for other courses required for architecture and interior design degrees, such as English literature, calculus, physics, American history, government, and certain electives. Detailed information about the UT Austin testing program is available from Student Testing Services.
The TSI examination is a state-mandated program designed to improve student success in college. Please contact the TSI office at the University for more information about exemption or waivers at 512-232-7146.
Applicants who miss the deadline or whose academic record makes them ineligible for admission to the School of Architecture have at least three alternatives for pursuing an architecture degree:
• Enroll at UT Austin in another college or school, complete the courses open to non-majors that will count toward the architecture or interior design degrees, and later apply for internal transfer admission to the School of Architecture. All freshman and transfer applicants are encouraged to indicate a second degree program choice on their UT Austin application for admission. Students not admitted into the School of Architecture will be considered by the Office of Admissions for the second choice of major (for example, School of Undergraduate Studies or College of Liberal Arts). Students admitted to their second major choice will then be eligible to apply for internal transfer admission to the School of Architecture during the spring for the following fall semester (see Internal Transfer Admission).
• Apply to another school of architecture or interior design. Accredited degrees in architecture are offered at more than 90 universities in the United States including six other schools in Texas: Rice University, the University of Houston, Texas Tech University, Texas A&M University, Prairie View A&M, The University of Texas at San Antonio, and The University of Texas at Arlington. Accredited degrees in Interior Design are available in Texas through the University of Texas at Arlington, University of North Texas, Texas State University, Stephen F. Austin State University, Texas Christian University, and Texas Tech University.
• Complete your current undergraduate degree program and apply to a first professional graduate architecture or interior design degree program. The University of Texas at Austin, for example, offers a first-professional Master of Architecture degree and a first-professional Master of Interior Design degree for students with degrees in unrelated disciplines—a program of approximately three and one-half years in duration.