ARC 386M.26 / ARC 327R.23 / ARI 350R / ARI 381T Seminar
Wed 9:00am – 12:00pm, WMB 5.102
Open to all ARC and ARI students
Kory Bieg:
Design processes are rapidly evolving as new programs are co-opted from other industries and technological advancements change the way we build. This class will look at the experimental application of digital tools to develop new tactics for design. Students will use multiple software programs to create a series of computationally designed projects throughout the semester. This course provides a comprehensive approach to computational design by integrating technical skill-building through software tutorials, individual design projects, and critical engagement with contemporary theory through student presentations and discussions. In addition, the course emphasizes contemporary visualization and representation techniques, enabling students to communicate complex computational design concepts through drawing, rendering, and animation. Students will use a variety of software programs including Rhino, Comfy UI, Processing 3d, 3ds Max, and Grasshopper. No previous skills in any of these programs are required, though a general knowledge of 3d modelling is helpful.