Building Skins - Studies in Detailing and Assembly
In recent years, the building envelope has received increased attention by architects and engineers. Innovative construction techniques, new materials, and the need for improved performance have contributed to a new architectural language. While the envelope’s primary task is to regulate the external climate conditions in order to provide comfortable internal conditions for the occupants, it also constitutes the aesthetic face of the building. Many contemporary architects now attempt to integrate the functions of weatherproofing, ventilation, daylighting, insulation, and shading within the larger concepts of their buildings. The building skin has evolved into an important system that has to address technical as well as aesthetic concerns.
This exhibit displays the results of a semester-long study that architecture graduate and undergraduate students conduct as part of their coursework for ARC 435K/385M Construction III. The models and drawings represent the most successful student projects completed between 2007 and 2013. The objective of this two-part semester project is to gain a better understanding of the building envelope and its performative functions, as well as to achieve insight into the concept of detailing and assembly. In teams of two, students investigate and document an existing building and its envelope by producing high-quality technical drawings as well as a physical model. This analytical semester-long exercise is supplemented by specific lectures on building envelope systems and particularly prepares the undergraduate students for the integrated design studio ARC 530T Design VI – Sound Building, which they take the following semester.
Assistant Professor Uli Dangel
Construction III, ARC 435K / 385M