CAAD Forum: Tara A. Dudley

Friday Feb. 28, 2025 , noon to 1 p.m.
Location: Dean's Conference Room (GOL 2.302B)
“There is Something Else to Be Done”: The Life and Career of Architect John Saunders Chase
There is Something Else to be Done; Tara Dudley; CAAD Forum

Assistant Professor Tara A. Dudley, Ph.D. will highlight her ongoing research on John S. Chase, FAIA, NOMAC, conducted in tangent with her in-progress biography on the architect. In addition to offering insight into Mr. Chase’s life and legacy, she will discuss some of the methods and sources she has encountered to develop a bigger picture of Chase’s catalog and contributions to the profession. Dr. Dudley will also explore Mr. Chase’s impact on fostering and strengthening minority ties not only with the University of Texas at Austin and School of Architecture but throughout the various facets of his career and service.

The CAAD Forum series is hosted by the Center for American Architecture and Design to bring faculty, students, and staff together for informal and inquisitive discussions about ideas relating to architecture and its history, theory, practice, and future. Presentations introduce and off insight into new and ongoing research, and are followed by time for Q&A. Lunch provided; first-come first-served. View past CAAD Forums on the Texas Architecture YouTube channel