City Forum: Carmen Llanes Pulido, GAVA

View the event recording here.
Equitable land use and community planning are greatly challenged in Austin, given its rapid growth, environmental sensitivity, historic inequities, and growing income inequality. Longtime efforts to achieve equitable outcomes in the built-in environment are easily outpaced by displacement and climate shocks. How can blanket deregulating policies further inequities, and what can be gained when directly impacted communities are engaged to achieve more equitable health, housing, and environmental outcomes?
Llanes Pulido will present on Go Austin Vamos Austin’s engagement in equitable community planning and decision-making at neighborhood, municipal, and regional levels. She will point to root cause issues driving the health and housing challenges to which our current systems are struggling to adapt, and provide bright spots of success where community engagement has led to equitable solutions.
Carmen Llanes Pulido
Executive Director, Go Austin Vamos Austin (GAVA)
Planning Commissioner, City of Austin