City Forum: Dr. C. Aujean Lee

Nonprofits are key in local community development and often work in tandem with or against municipal governments in neighborhood planning. We focus on a unique case of a local government that largely contracts neighborhood planning processes to a nonprofit in Oklahoma City. Using interviews with municipal staff, nonprofit employees, and stakeholders, we examine the benefits and consequences of this contracting relationship on participatory processes. The findings reveal that the nonprofit excels at grassroots resident engagement but also faces constraints due to contract benchmarks. The findings offer implications on co-creating subcontractor goals and disparate neighborhood planning service outcomes.
Dr. C. Aujean Lee
Assistant Professor, Regional and City Planning
University of Oklahoma
[City Forum] Subcontracting Neighborhood Planning and Impacts on Grassroots Organizing with Dr. Aujean Lee
Time: Feb 24, 2023 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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