City Forum | Governance of Multifunctional Landscapes | Steven Wolf

The Adirondack Park is the largest protected area in the Lower Forty-Eight. Wolf’s study of the real estate deal that resulted in its single largest expansion in one hundred years sheds light on political, legal and economic dimensions of the construction of multifunctional landscapes. The novel redistribution of property rights highlights opportunities for creativity in environmental governance and raises critical questions about limits to plasticity of both landscapes and institutions.
Event will take Place in Sutton Hall room 2.114.
Presenter Bio:
Steven Wolf is Associate Professor at Cornell’s Department of Natural Resources. He studies environmental governance with a specific focus on the challenges of securing public goods from privatized landscapes. Wolf’s primary research is focused on agricultural and forested landscapes of industrialized societies. In 2014 he co-edited The Neoliberal Regime in the Agri-Food Sector: Crisis, Resilience, and Restructuring.