City Forum: Katherine Lieberknecht, UT Austin

People who contribute the least to climate change—the poor, marginalized, and structurally oppressed— also suffer the most harm from it, and the strategies we plan and design for climate adaptation can sometimes deepen climate injustice. However, meaningful participation, inclusive representation and power-sharing in decision making, and knowledge co-production can help move communities toward climate justice. A case study from the Texas Gulf Coast explores the challenges and joys of creating planning processes and research frameworks centered on non-extractive and community-driven climate justice.
Katherine Lieberknecht is an assistant professor in the Community and Regional Planning program at the School of Architecture at The University of Texas at Austin. She researches environmental planning centered around equity, with specific focus areas on climate planning, green infrastructure planning, and water resources planning. Prior to joining the faculty, she worked in regional land conservation. Dr. Lieberknecht was the inaugural chair of Planet Texas 2050, The University of Texas at Austin's first grand challenge research program, and continues to serve on its leadership team. She serves in leadership roles for several funded research projects, including a National Science Foundation Smart and Connected Communities project focused on community-led climate adaptation in Austin, the Department of Energy-funded Southeast Texas Urban Integrated Field Laboratory in the Gulf Coast, and the Planet Texas 2050 Flagship Project Equitable and Regenerative Cities in a Post-Carbon Future.
All participants are welcome. For questions regarding access and accommodations, please contact in advance.