City Forum | Momentum for Inclusive Cities | Rolf Pendall

By 2030, the U.S. will grow by nearly 50 million residents and undergo two dramatic demographic transitions: Baby Boomers moving out of the workforce while their children—the Millennials—move into housing and job markets, leading to growing demand for rental housing from the large, young, and diverse Millennial population and increasing attrition out of older owner-occupied homes. What challenges and opportunities do these transitions hold for cities? Fast-growth states with young populations, including Texas, will experience significant surges in rental housing demand; slow-growth states could develop housing surpluses. What decisions can we—as planners, architects, and landscape architects—take now to build more inclusive and livable communities for coming generations?
Presenter bio:
ROLF PENDALL (UT MSCRP/MA-LAS, 1989) is Director of the Metropolitan Housing & Communities Policy Center at the Urban Institute; his team of over 40 experts conduct research and evaluations on housing, community development, and economic development trends, programs, and policies. Pendall leads development of the Urban Institute’s Mapping America’s Futures project, exploring future local and national implications of population growth, aging, and diversity. Between 1998 and 2010, he was a professor in the Department of City and Regional Planning at Cornell University.