Environmental Controls 1: Fall 2016 LIGHT SHOW

Professors Keith Simon and Matthew Tanteri's undergraduate Environmental Controls I "Light Show" took place on November 17th on the third floor of the Sutton Hallway. Students worked alone or in groups to design and build an exterior light fixture for the campus area between Goldsmith Hall and the West Mall Building. Each light fixture was accompanied by a luminaire brochure that included fixture specifications, a candlepower distribution curve, electrical calculations, and an HDR glare analysis.
TA’s: Sean Patrick O'Brien, Theresa Cascio and Sanaz Deldar
Guest Critics: Jordan Doyle, Andrew Gauld, Jakeb Novak, Aaron Odland, Paloma Sherman, Melissa Henao-Robledo, Matt Slusarek and Wendy Dunnam Tita
Jonathan Speirs Scholarship Fund Student Nominee: Reuben Joseph, 3rd Year Bachelor of Architecture for Ipomoea (The Moon Flower) Luminaire