Evolved | Novel | Massively Parallel

During the semester, the Design V studio engaged theory, research, innovation, and construction as the frameworks of a massively parallel approach to design methodology.This studio engaged a multiplicity of design frameworks simultaneously and collapsed towards one focused final project that is currently on exhibit in the UTSoA Materials Lab.
Theory – How and with what means do we create informed designs; and ultimately, how can we make meaningful contributions to architecture through research and play?
What is the nature of rules, techniques and processes?
What is the role of model (or material diagram) in translating information in one discipline or study into another?
How does the model better allow usage to produce informed, robust solutions to complex systematic problems?
How do the tools we create and use shape our solutions to design problems?
Research – The studio examined the complexity of biological-relation-based performative systems and how they could produce models of self organizing / stabilizing architectural scale constructions.These constructions derive from a careful study of biological systems and evolve into architectural instances through a process of modeling - testing - constructing. Relational-based models utilizing Rhino parametric modeling plug-ins and/or Rhino-scripting was used in many cases.
Innovation – Each student was asked to evolve a structural, constructible solution to a number of assigned criteria. Novelty is based on the idea that minor changes in complex patterns of organization and assembly could lead to novel innovations in structural and material form, potentially emerging unpredictable phenomenon.
Construction – Imbedded in the products we produce are the marks of the tools used to produce them. These marks manifest in form and logic. To test any strategy or object designed is to apply them to conditions and stimuli outside of a closed system.
Curator: Zaneta Hong
Design 5 Studio, Fall 2008
Assistant Professor Michael Beaman
More images from the VRC