Field Trip: Granite Recyclers Austin
Thursday Feb. 18, 2016 , 1 to 3 p.m.

Granite Recyclers Austin is the first company in Austin to reclaim granite and marble waste from local fabricators and turn it into a usable product. Get a background tour of their showroom, slab yard, and fabrication shop, where they machine their split faced tiles, whiskey stones, and fire pits. Nolan Kilby, the founder of this young company, started out in the shop of a local fabricator but was inspired to find another use for what he regards as a resource, rather than waste. Granite Recyclers Austin was established in the summer of 2014 and is a member of the Austin Materials Marketplace.
Granite Recyclers Austin
440 East St. Elmo, Bldg E2
This field trip is a coordinated effort with Interior Design Construction 2, taught by Tamie Glass (TA Heather Sutherland). Photos courtesy of Tamie Glass.