Field Trip: Hewn

730 Shady Lane
Hewn specializes in high-end architectural interior and exterior residential and commercial woodwork. They also design and create custom furniture and are adapted to both blueprint and rustic designs. They specialize in native Texas woods, both rare and reclaimed, harvesting all of their wood from within a 500 mile radius. Hewn works with Travis County Park Services to obtain fallen or damaged trees, as well as trees removed from construction sites. They use an Alaskan mill and kilns to process the wood on site. They also work with commercially processed rare woods and veneers. In addition to their milling and processing facilities, hewn has a welding shop, a metal shop, and a large collection of molding profiles.
This field trip was a coordinated effort with Interior Design Construction 2, taught by Tamie Glass. Images courtesy of Heather Sutherland, TA for Construction II.