Goldsmith Talks: DA GURLZ

Presented by Ariel Padilla, UTSOA Bachelor of Architecture, Class of 2016.
Above is a photo montage of the world’s greatest architects to ever practice, teach, and innovate within the field of architecture. For some of us, many of the faces are unknown and have been that way throughout our education.
The montage in its deliberate composition and order incites very powerful and necessary questions. Who is in the montage? Who is not? Who is in the foreground and why? What were the overarching markers that identified these architects as “world’s greatest.”
… why are so many of them wearing black?
Of course, like every list, from those made by Buzzfeed to those by the Pritzker Prize Foundation, this list can be contested, debated, and reshuffled. For any hopes of resolute closure, a chance to refute or lingering questions, attendance is entirely necessary.
For those who would rather not engage in seemingly tiresome activities, there will be chips and guacamole…
“There is no risk in that.”
Goldsmith Talks is an open-format series of presentations organized by UTSOA faculty, staff, and students. the series aims to encourage and promote presentations that are outside of the scope of the main lecture series. Examples are: invited seminar presentations, book talks, lectures by designers and scholars who may be in Austin for another engagement, round-table discussions, film screenings, product demonstrations, or any other activity related to research, scholarship, and teaching activities and at the school. The format provides a platform for encouraging the dissemination of work by visitors and members of our community. The goal is to raise awareness, increase access, and better integrate such events within the public life of the school.