Goldsmith Talks: Ingrid Quintana, Children of the Rue de Sévres
Ingrid Quintana is the author of Hijos de la Rue de Sèvres. The book discusses all of the Latin American collaborators who worked at the legendary Rue de Sèvres, Le Corbusier’s studio in Paris. The rigorous field work in the archives of more than ten countries; and the proposal of a renewed vision of Latin American architectural historiography makes this an extraordinary and indispensable book that invites its reader to reflect on the contributions of these former collaborators to their own countries’ architecture.
Ingrid Quintana Guerrero has an architectural degree from Universidad Nacional de Colombia and a PhD from Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Goldsmith Talks is an open-format series of presentations organized by UTSOA faculty, staff, and students. the series aims to encourage and promote presentations that are outside of the scope of the main lecture series. Examples are: invited seminar presentations, book talks, lectures by designers and scholars who may be in Austin for another engagement, round-table discussions, film screenings, product demonstrations, or any other activity related to research, scholarship, and teaching activities and at the school. The format provides a platform for encouraging the dissemination of work by visitors and members of our community. The goal is to raise awareness, increase access, and better integrate such events within the public life of the school.