Goldsmith Talks: Regional Practice, Charlottesville, Virginia

Monday April 4, 2016 , All Day
Bill Adams

Train Architects, founded in 1990, practices in Charlottesville, Virginia, where history meets the progressive. Our experience includes commercial, institutional, residential, religious, and educational projects involving site design, new construction, additions, adaptive re-use, historic preservation, and interior design.  We are generalists and problem solvers.  We do not design to a particular style or reference.  We adapt to the specifics of each project- client, program, and context.  Our work is informed by traditional architectural values and concepts- clarity in plan; attention to proportion, balance, and scale; logical material choices and resolution of detail.  Our goal is to create architecture which responds appropriately to its circumstances.


Goldsmith Talks is an open-format series of presentations organized by UTSOA faculty, staff, and students. the series aims to encourage and promote presentations that are outside of the scope of the main lecture series. Examples are: invited seminar presentations, book talks, lectures by designers and scholars who may be in Austin for another engagement, round-table discussions, film screenings, product demonstrations, or any other activity related to research, scholarship, and teaching activities and at the school. The format provides a platform for encouraging the dissemination of work by visitors and members of our community. The goal is to raise awareness, increase access, and better integrate such events within the public life of the school.