Lisa Iwamoto & Craig Scott | Iwamoto Scott Architecture

IwamotoScott Architecture was established in San Francisco by Lisa Iwamoto and Craig Scott in 2002. Over the past decade, the award-winning and internationally recognized architecture practice has honed its designs through a process of research and experimentation, and they are leaders in the arena of architectural technology. The firm has been at the forefront of digital fabrication, design computation, and materials for over a decade; they use this experience to contribute fresh ideas for the benefit of their clients – whether the project is a piece of furniture, house, tech office, mixed-use building, or speculative vision for the future of the city.
Lisa Iwamoto and Craig Scott will also serve as the school’s Spring 2024 Ruth Carter Stevenson Regents Chairs in the Art of Architecture; they will teach an advanced studio entitled “High Rise Living: New Metropolitan Hybrids.”