A Layered Approach

"A Layered Approach" is a snapshot of an independent studio focused on issues of materiality and scale in the design process. Nic Allinder, Taylor McNally-Anderson, and Tyler Noblin organized their studio around a non-linear trajectory. A broad range of scales were considered from the outset; material constructions were developed simultaneously with urban strategies. Central to this process was the iterative production of physical models testing sensorial experiences at a variety of scales.
On display at the Materials Lab are 1:1 mock-ups testing surface effects and their experiential qualities when layered over one other. The questions at hand are: How can a common material be presented in an uncommon way? How can the simultaneous consideration of multiple scales of architecture alter design? And, what agency do mock-ups impart on the design process?
Allinder, McNally-Anderson, and Noblin extend thanks to their studio advisor Cisco Gomes; supervising instructors Elizabeth Alford, Ernesto Cragnolino, Murray Legge, Clay Odom, Igor Siddiqui; UTSOA staff members John Vehko and Thom Wolfe; and Jen Wong and the Materials Lab staff in assisting with this project.
Independent studio, Fall 2013:
Nic Allinder, Taylor McNally-Anderson, Tyler Noblin
Advisor: Assistant Professor Cisco Gomes
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