Materials Lab field trip: Delta Millworks

Wednesday April 9, 2014 , 4:30 to 6 a.m.
Delta Millworks

Delta Millworks

4701 E. 5th St.

We joined Uli Dangel's Timber Technology class on their trip to Delta Millworks for a tour of the shop and a live demonstration of the shou sugi ban method of charring wood. Delta has been investigating shou sugi ban for the past 5-6 years, and is now the leading supplier in the US. The charring of the wood increases its resistance to rot and insects, and acts as a fire retardant. Delta produces several shou sugi ban finishes, using different brush methods and finishes to get a wide array of colors and patterns.

Photos courtesy of Uli Dangel. You can find samples of all the finishes of shou sugi ban that Delta produces in our materials library!

University Co-op Materials Lab