The Relationship Between Building Technology & Architectural Design
Tuesday Sept. 15, 2015 , 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

An APT Texas Chapter, Austin Region Presentation
Join us as guest speaker Jack Pyburn FAIA of Lord Aeck Sargent discusses Architectural Precast Concrete in 20th Century Architecture.
When: September 15
Where: 816 Congress Ave. 3rd Floor, Longhorn Room
Sign in 11:30am / Introductions 11:45am / Presentation noon - 1pm
RSVP Doris Eichburg :
One non-HSW AIA continuing education unit is available for qualified attendees.
Free presentation. Attendees welcome to bring lunch, water will be provided. You may park in the garage and pay standard rates or use metered parking along the street. Also accessible via public transportation.