Teresa Gali-Izard | Connecting Dots: Circular Metabolism and Regenerative Practices for the XXI Century

In this lecture I will share the work of the Chair of Being Alive at ETH Zurich along with some projects from Arquitectura Agronomia. New methodologies that are inclusive, rigorous, and transversal are guiding us towards a new approach to design. The adventure is challenging, full of unknown answers that we face with optimism, freedom, and creativity.
Teresa Gali–Izard has more than 30 years of experience in design and implementation of projects of landscape architecture. She defines the profession as a translation of the hidden potential of places. Through her research and teaching in Academia at University of Virginia and Harvard Graduate School of Design she has developed a methodology to integrate living systems and natural process into the design proposals. Her expertise is working with the limiting factors of the primary matter which is climate and geology, transforming constraints as opportunities. She has gained experience through working with local standards and cultures in several parts of the world, including Europe, Middle East, and LATAM. She believes in transversal team work across disciplines as the only way to design intelligent solutions for the build environment. She is currently Professor of Landscape Architecture, Chair of Being Alive, and Director of the Master of Sciences in Landscape Architecture at ETH in Switzerland.