VRC Exhibition | Afterimage: Evocations Through Light(ness)

Asher Intebi explored his interest in film photography whilst pursuing his Bachelor of Architecture (B Arch 2017), taking advantage of the School of Architecture's Darkroom managed by the Visual Resources Collection. Asher states that his "...interest in film photography stemmed from several factors: a rebellion against the limitless nature of digital photography, a desire to reconnect to an heirloom film camera passed down to me, and an interest in exploring the various amenities of the School of Architecture. Unexpectedly, my film camera grew to become one of the most profound influences on my architectural education at The University of Texas."
The photographs on display in this exhibition illustrate Asher's interest in composing final prints that recapture the feeling of the initial shot and, by so doing, demonstrate a spectrum of emotions. He encourages viewers to "...look through the collection with a focus on the depth of the print, weight of the lights and darks, and the candor of the subjects."