VRC Workshop | Black & White Film Developing
Sunday Oct. 11, 2015 , 2 to 4 p.m.
Location: Visual Resources Collection, SUT 3.128

This workshop will be a two-hour hands-on tutorial for students who are interested in learning to process their own 35mm or medium format (120mm) black-and-white film in the UTSOA's Darkroom. Students will learn techniques to load the film onto reels and develop the film with black-and-white chemistry. Various film speeds and developing times will be covered. Students will learn how to wash and dry film and proper techniques to preserve negatives. At least one pre-shot roll of black-and-white film will be needed (please make sure your film does not say C-41 anywhere on the canister.)
Tutorials are open to all SOA faculty, students and staff. Class size is limited to 6 for each session.