VRC Workshop | Introduction to Digital Photography + Animating Architectural Models
This is a two hour workshop which consists of two halves. The first half focuses on the fundamentals of photography and technical aspects pertaining to digital SLR and controlling the basic parameters in a DSLR to get the desired result.
The second half will focus on an interesting way to document architectural models using stop motion animation. Participants will learn about stop motion animation and how it is helpful to document physical models. Tips and tricks of taking photographs and converting them into a video will be covered. After the theoretical understanding of this technique, participants will create a small animation using a sample model in the VRC's Lighting Studio.
VRC TA Panchu Gudigar will be instructing the workshop. He has years of experience shooting photographs using a DSLR and has created stop motion animations of architectural models.
Date/time: Saturday, March 26, 1-3 pm (first half: 1-2pm | second half: 2-3 pm) in the Visual Resources Collection (Sutton 3.128).
Registration has closed after reaching maximum capacity; if you have interest in future offerings of this workshop please contact: vrc@utexas.edu.