Workshop | Wood Spoon Carving

On Saturday, October 12, 2019, Kat Heitman led a workshop on wooden spoon carving, using a combination of power and hand tools in the Build Lab. The workshop kicked off with a carving demonstration, followed by the selection of spoon templates available in various wood species and material sizes. Students used chisels and mallets to carve out the interior bowl of the spoon, a hand saw and band saw to shape the stem, sanding machines and paper for refining and smoothing, and finishing oil for sealing. Each participant produced a handcrafted wooden spoon of their own design.
Heitman is an educator at Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired, a mom, a sculptor, and a woodworker. She studied ornamental woodcarving and gilding at the City & Guilds of London Art School, but her true passion is in carving wooden kitchenware at her local woodshop in Austin.