Wyatt Armstrong | Architecture Workshop

Monday March 24, 2025 , 5 to 6 p.m. Google Outlook iCal
Designer, fabricator and educator Wyatt Armstrong presents his lecture, "Future Forests."
Tree branch carved with diamond pattern by robotic arm

About Wyatt Armstrong 

Wyatt Armstrong is a designer, fabricator and educator from Toronto, Canada. He is interested in tools that enable a widened use of materials, particularly how their integration within industry might encourage industrial landscapes to transition out of vulnerable states.

Experience in timber framing, architecture, lighting design, wayfinding and advanced manufacturing inform his practice Architecture Workshop, which offers services in design for production, prototyping and fabrication. He recently began working with Toronto Metropolitan University to make robotic fabrication more accessible to students. Previously, he taught postgraduate and first year courses at the Architectural Association and was the Architectural Robotics Developer for the Hooke Park campus.


Ceiling of a timer-constructed treehouse with interlocking branches.
Wyatt Armstrong drilling into timber


Branches carved at the top to interlock as timber framing


Digital mock-up of robotic carving schematics


Dome created by carved tree branches