LAR 385K
Introduces the principles, processes, and practices of site manipulation, description, and construction techniques. Includes systems of measurement, grading, earthwork, site circulation, and site drainage, and examines the representation, application, and integration of site-related operations
This is the first course in the landscape architecture technology curriculum. As such, the main objectives of the class are:
- To develop a basic verbal and graphic vocabulary of conventions within the practice of Landscape Architecture construction.
- To acquire an understanding of basic landform design techniques.
- To explore and understand construction as an integral part of the design process.
- To acquire an understanding of the integration of pre-development conditions and artificial
landforms. - To explore landforms as elements integrating design intention and function.
- To understand and learn how landform affects drainage, and how to integrate both subjects.
- To learn the basic concepts, systems, components, methods, and techniques of grading, earthwork, stormwater management, green infrastructure, runoff volumes, and the comprehensive integration of these in grading exercises.
Landscape Architecture
Fall 2023