Students Address Urban Design Challenge in Cogburn Family Foundation ULI Hines Competition

Since 2002, the Urban Land Institute (ULI)/Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition has offered graduate students the opportunity to form their own multidisciplinary teams and engage in a challenging, real-world exercise in responsible city design. Teams of five students, representing at least three disciplines, have two weeks to devise a comprehensive design and development program for a real, large-scale site. ULI selected Toronto, Ontario, Canada, as the 2018 competition city.
In advance of the national competition, the School of Architecture and McCombs School of Business host the Cogburn Family Foundation UT ULI Hines Competition for UT Austin students. The competition is supported by an endowment established by the Cogburn family (Mike Cogburn [BBA ‘66], Betsy Cogburn [BA ‘68], Jon Cogburn [BA ‘93], and Meg Cogburn Wilson [BArch ‘98]) in 2004. This year, participating students represented the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture, urban design, interior design, sustainable design, community and regional planning, real estate, and business administration.
The Cogburn Family Foundation UT ULI Awards Reception took place on February 19, 2018, to examine and celebrate student proposals for the ULI Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition. The Cogburn competition jury awarded two teams with the first-place prize, and presented a third-place prize and honorable mention.
First Place:
Valentina Scalia, MSUD
Nupur Gunjan, CRP
Michelle Hipps-Cruz, MSUD
Jiahui (Claire) Huo, MLA
Jose Ramirez, MBA
First Place:
Makayla Rutt, MID
Roshni Mahtani, MArch I
Diego Zubizarreta, MArch I
Disha Sahu, CRP
Heberto Alanis, MBA
Third Place:
Noel Kuwabara, MSUD
Zhaoran Li, MSUD
Trey Terral, M.Arch II
Mollie Picha, CRP
William Swofford, MBA
Honorable Mention:
Anna Lake-Smith, CRP/MSUD
Oliver Atkinson, CRP/MSSD
Patrick Till, MArch I
David Newman, MArch I
Tobin Hixon, MBA
Faculty Mentors:
Simon Atkinson, Mike Hogg Professor in Community and Regional Planning
Edna Ledesma, Race and Gender in the Built Environment Fellow
The 2018 Cogburn Competition Jury Included:
Michelle Addington, Dean, Henry M. Rockwell Chair in Architecture, Jury Chair
Robin Abrams, architect, landscape architect, planner
Aparajita Bhatt, architect and urban designer, Overland Partners
Diane Cheatham, CEO, Urban Edge Developers
Justin Day, development consultant, Intrepid Equity
Greg Hallman, development finance, McCombs School of Business
Charlton Lewis, architect and lecturer, School of Architecture
Daniel Woodroffe, landscape architect, dwg.
The Cogburn Family Foundation UT ULI Hines Competition was made possible through the generous support of:
The Cogburn Family Foundation
Urban Land Institute, Austin Chapter
Real Estate Finance and Investment Center, McCombs School of Business