ARC 386M 

This seminar introduces students to the range of student publications in architecture schools historically and currently, in order to find a “voice” for the student publication at the UTSOA, Issue. Publication curation, thematization, and signals of contemporaneity (i.e. “hot/not hot”) will be discussed, as will editorship, authorship, and audience. The class will work together as a “pilot team” to revitalize Issue, and to seek its relevance for UTSOA students today. There are no necessary skills required to succeed in this course - students will be introduced to skills related to publishing including the use of Adobe Suite InDesign and Illustrator, proper source citation, licensing and copyrights, and distribution. Students will be encouraged to engage critically with the scope of student publications, and to forge their own intentions and trajectories.

This course is led by Dora Epstein Jones, who as a faculty member at SCI-Arc and Texas Tech, has overseen and advised on three significant student publications, and was an editor of Faultlines as a graduate student at UCLA.




Fall 2023