Buildings are inert objects, but our experience of them transcends the physical realm and extends into our deepest consciousness. Architecture, in particular, which moves beyond mere building, strives to enhance the human condition and promote emotional well-being through the manipulation of space, light, material, and form. Psychoanalysis is concerned with many things, among them, the means by which places enter our psyches and become a part of who we are. Both psychoanalysts and architects care about people's identities and memories, hopes and dreams. These human constructs are replete with spatial, architectural images, images of safety, danger, permanence, enclosure, and reflection, as well as with a full range of emotions. Within the overlap of psychoanalytic and architectural discourses lies the emotional tonus of real and imagined places, whether at the scale of the city or the scale of the house, and it is this area of mutual concern that inspired the current volume of CENTER.
Winner of the 2014 Bronze Medal in Architecture from the Independent Publisher Book Awards. Second place winner in the Publications category at the 2014 AIGA Texas Show.
ISBN: 978-0-934951-17-3
Introduction, by Elizabeth Danze and Stephen Sonnenberg
Architectural and Emotional Space, by Peter Loewenberg
A Violent Atomization: Attachment versus Autonomy in the Philip Johnson Glass House, by Adele Tutter
Space and Mind, by Joseph Rykwert
The City Within, by Esther da Costa Meyer
A Disturbance of Memory on the Acropolis, by Sigmund Freud
A Psychoanalytic Reflection on Berlin, The Holocaust, and Interdisciplinary Research, by Stephen Sonnenberg
Architecture and Dream Construction, by John Hendrix
Modeling Erik Erikson's Diagram of Psychosocial Development, by Elizabeth Danze
Primary Architecture and Towers of Books: Reflections on Space and Self in Childhood, by Ellen Handler Spitz
Throwing Away the Toys: Neuropsychoanalysis and Architecture in Psychoanalytic Practice, by Mark D. Smaller
What a Child Can Teach an Architect: A Response to Smaller's "Throwing Away the Toys," by Amy Freedberg
On The Poetics of Space Now: Introduction to "Nests," "Shells," and "Intimate Immensity," by Michael Benedikt
"Nests," "Shells," and "Intimate Immensity": Excerpts from The Poetics of Space, by Gaston Bachelard
Bachelard Revisited, by Nancy Olson
In Praise of Vagueness: Diffuse Perception and Uncertain Thought, by Juhani Pallasmaa
Author Biographies
Elizabeth Danze
Kevin Alter
Michael Benedikt
Christine Wong