The complex issues of what it means to live and dwell in the physical world are essential elements of the agenda for the Center for American Architecture and Design. These issues were the subject of the conference, “Dwelling,” hosted by the Center in April 1992 at the University of Texas at Austin. This subsequent volume of CENTER continues and deepens the inquiry into the conference’s central question: beneath all that we have dreamed of and made, lost and maintained, how do we at one place or another, at one time or another, dwell?
ISBN: 0-292-71163-8
Introduction: Learning to Dwell, by Robert Mugerauer
Dwelling, Archetype, and Ideology, by Kimberly Dovey
On Patios and Fireplaces: Building, Dwelling, and Order, by Enrique Larranaga
Representation and Respite: The Interior and Women's Domestic Work in the Nineteenth Century, by Kirsten Belgum
Domesticating the World: Nature and Culture in the Victorian Home, by Cynthia A. Brandimarte
Building the World of Tomorrow: Regional Visions, Modern Community Housing, and America's Postwar Urban Expansion, by Greg Hise
The Corner Store of Galveston: A Family's Residence, A Neighborhood's Parlor, by Ellen Beasley
Creating a Sense of Community: Low-Income Urban Neighborhoods in Lima, Peru, by Henry A. Dietz
The Concepts of Natural and Artificial Production in Architecture, by Marc M. Angélil
Anthony Alofsin
Robert Mugerauer
Peter Tavernise