Traces and Trajectories presents twenty-nine essays written by faculty, staff, and alumni of the School of Architecture at The University of Texas at Austin to mark the centennial of the school, established in 1910. Accompanied by illustrated portfolios of historical traces and design works by students and alumni, the essays offer a composite portrait of teaching and research in the school's academic programs.
This publication is out of print, but available at the Architecture and Planning Library.
Richard Cleary
Foreword: Human Capital, by Frederick Steiner
Introduction, by Richard L. Cleary
Trace: The Early Years
Trace: Buildings
I <3 Goldsmith Hall, by David Heymann
Celebrating Generations and Their Accomplishments, by Roland G. Roessner, Jr., Elizabeth Danze, Evan K. Taniguchi, and Tommy Cowan
Change, by Hal Box
Trace: The Texas Rangers Era
Theory and Practice, by Lawrence W. Speck
My Thirty-Five Years at the School of Architecture, by Michael Benedikt
Trace: Student Activities and Social Activism
Information is Power...If You Know Where to Find it, by Martha Gonzalez Palacios
The Alexander Architectural Archives: Value in the Sum of its Parts, by Beth Dodd
The Visual Resources Collection: Building an Image Collection for the 21st Century, by Elizabeth Schaub and Joan Winter
Trace: Visual Communication
Beginnings: Reflections on the History of First-Year Design Education, by Owen Cappelman
In the Spirit of the Texas Rangers, by Smilja Milovanovic-Bertram
To Draw or Not to Draw, by Nichole Wiedemann
Drawing Now and Then, by Danelle Briscoe
Gentlemen Do [Not] Operating Machinery: A Few Thoughts on Technology, Knowledge, and Craft, by Michael Leighton Beaman
"Hamstering," or the Joys and Uses of Architectural History, by Christopher Long
Trace: Architectural History at the School of Architecture, by Richard L. Cleary
Trace: Diversity
You've Come a Long Way Baby - Women and the Profession of Interior Design at UT, by Nancy Kwallek
Practitioners + Academics: A Team-Teaching Approach to Interior Design Studios, by Carl Matthews and Caroline Hill
A Visit to the Interior Design Studio, by Lois Weinthal
Time for a Change: Interior Design or Interior Architecture?, by Nancy Kwallek
Trace: Planning and Urban Design
Popsicle Wars: Sticky Fingers Snatch a Sweet Metaphor, by Terry Kahn
Teaching Planners to Think Historically and Sustainably, by Elizabeth J. Mueller and Sarah Dooling
Service Learning and Critical Pedagogy in the Planning Curriculum, by Bjorn Sletto and Susana Almanza
The China Planning Workshop, by Ming Zhang
Trace: The Latin American Connection
100 Years of [non-] Solitude: The School of Architecture and Latin America, by Fernando Lara
Trace: Study Abroad
History of the Sustainable Design Program, 1973-2010, by Michael Garrison
Experimental Research at the School of Architecture, by Werner Lang
Historic Preservation in the School of Architecture, by Michael Holleran and Frances Gale
Expanding the Field: Origins of the Landscape Architecture Program, by Hope Hasbrouck, Jason Sowell, and Allan W. Shearer
Trace: Charles Moore and Graduate Studies
Some Observations on the Last Twenty-Five Years at the School of Architecture, by Anthony Alofsin
The Next Hundred Years, by Eric Hepburn
Portfolio: A Century of Student Work
Portfolio: Work from the Centennial Alumni Exhibition