Beatrice Lum // Jaja Architects

May 3, 2024
PRP Now! is a series of interviews that highlight a current UTSOA Professional Residency Program student every few weeks.
A woman in an office side-by-side with a graphic that reads "PRP Now!"

Tell us about your PRP firm. Where are you working?
I am interning at Jaja Architects in Copenhagen, Denmark. It is a relatively small firm of around 20 people, working on a variety of scales from pavilions to master plans.

Do you enjoy the city you’re working in? Favorite aspects?
I have been in Copenhagen for around 3 months now and am really enjoying the city! There is so much to do here, from museums, music, parks, pastries, etc. Every neighborhood has so much packed in it that it creates a very vibrant atmosphere.

What is currently on your desk? What are you working on?
My desk has a bunch of old test prints of renderings and graphics. As well as some notebooks and of course a cup of coffee. Currently, I am working on a mobility project on the outskirts of Copenhagen. The project aims to increase the amount of people using public transportation within and around the city. I got to join the project basically from the start so it has been great to see it evolve!

Describe the firm culture? The office atmosphere?
Everyone at the firm is very welcoming and approachable. The atmosphere is warm and there is actually a ping-pong table in the office that gets a surprising amount of use! We also all have lunch at the office together everyday which is a great way to chat and catch-up with people.

What is the first thing you'll tell your classmates upon your return to UT?
Enjoy the Austin weather. I came to Copenhagen at the start of February and it's now the end of April and it's still fairly cold here. I've been told the summers are incredible, and let's just say I am counting down the days.

As you’re finishing up the week, what are your plans for this weekend?
This weekend my family is going to be in town. I'm excited to show them around the city and some of my favorite spots!