PRP Now! Autusa Behroozi // Maryann Thompson Architects

PRP: Tell us about your PRP firm. Where are you working?
I am currently working at Maryann Thompson Architects. It is a 15 person firm which does small scale projects. We do about half residential projects and half other commercial projects such as small school additions, restaurant renovations, community centers and more. The firm is located just outside Cambridge on a quiet street with dangerously great food nearby.
PRP: Do you enjoy the city you’re working in? Favorite aspects?
I love Boston. It is very easy to get around with public transport, and they have city-wide compost here! There is so much to do, and it is a very young population because the area is filled with universities. I also like the fact that Boston itself is very small, only 3 or so miles wide, but there are these towns which surround it and each one has a bit of a different atmosphere.
PRP: What is currently on your desk? What are you working on?
I had been working on a detailed model for a home on Martha’s Vineyard for the first month. Now, I am helping create a series of rendered plans, diagrams, and perspectives that will help a school fundraise money for a library and black box theater addition.
PRP: Describe the firm culture? The office atmosphere?
There are incredibly kind, helpful and educated people here. The office culture is very laid back. It is informal to where I feel comfortable wearing causal clothes to work. There is a level of mutual respect in the office that I really appreciate. People here feel like they are family.
PRP: What is the first thing you'll tell your classmates upon your return to UT?
I missed you guys!
PRP: As you’re finishing up the week, what are your plans for this weekend?
This weekend, I am going to watch Parasite and possibly go salsa dancing.
PRP: Is there anything else that you would like to add?
When I came to work here, I was looking for a firm which genuinely considers material conservation and passive energy design. I was very happy to find that here they apply these concepts. Maryann builds projects with local wood materials and uses passive design principles in her houses. Design integrates nature into projects when possible by blurring the line between outside and inside.