PRP Now! Francisco Resendiz // Snøhetta

PRP: Tell us about your PRP firm. Where are you working?
I am currently working at Snøhetta’s New York office. Snøhetta is an international design firm with offices located across Europe, Asia and the U.S. We are located in the Financial District in lower Manhattan about 10 minutes south of the Brooklyn Bridge. The studio has grown to 78 people from varying disciplines in architecture, landscape architecture and interior design. The firm practices design in an interdisciplinary studio environment with a body of work that ranges in scales from master planning developments to large cultural centers, pavilions and small product development. Some of the firm’s latest award-winning projects include the expansion to SFMoMA, Calgary’s new Central Library and Under.
PRP: Do you enjoy the city you’re working in? Favorite aspects?
I love living in NYC! At first it felt very chaotic and fast-paced but now I’ll challenge any New Yorker to pace-walking in the city. It has been an incredible experience exploring the city as a resident and getting to learn from a variety of cultures through festivals and public events. Initially, I started exploring New York while cycling which was great for improvised trips and access to the city’s Boroughs. As the weather starts cooling, I’m excited to move my exploration to indoor venues. It’s been great living in a city that provides both learning opportunities and amazing food!
PRP: What is currently on your desk? What are you working on?
My desk at moment has organized disorder with trace paper and sketches from a few projects I’ve worked on. I try to keep it clean most of the time but to no avail. Other items include study models, material samples, sketchbook, Copic markers and coffee cups. During my time here I’ve worked on several projects at various phases of design. The last few weeks I’ve been working on a boathouse/cabin design for a married couple in Ontario. It’s been an amazing collaborative opportunity to work on a small-scale project which has allowed me to undertake larger responsibilities.
PRP: Describe the firm culture? The office atmosphere?
The office culture is great, filled with amazingly talented people. It feels very relaxed especially for an office that continues to grow. The office is laid out with spaces that encourage collaboration amongst teams but also allows for conversations with colleges of different disciplines. Everyone is always open to talk about their projects and help each other out. What I admire the most is the passion people have in their practice. There has not been a day where I don’t see an enthusiastic team meeting or pin-up presentation. The beer keg in the kitchen space is a great perk as well! We get new brews every now and then and are typically enjoyed at the end of a long day.
PRP: What is the first thing you'll tell your classmates upon your return to UT?
The first thing I’d tell my classmates is how much I’ve missed them! Secondly, I would tell them PRP has opened a life opportunity and is worth the added time and effort! My experience at Snøhetta is unlike any experience I’ve had in architecture. It is an office that is allowing me to gain unique experiences and grow as a designer. Working at Snøhetta has been a rewarding experience and living in a different city has allowed me to grow. Friends, in the meantime while I’m away, please send me some Franklin's BBQ to 80 Pine St, New York, NY 10005 – 10th floor.
PRP: As you’re finishing up the week, what are your plans for this weekend?
The office is taking a trip to Philadelphia to the recently opened Charles Library at Temple University. I’m really excited to visit the first project I worked on and visit a city I’ve never been to. I’m not sure yet but I might stay the weekend to explore Philly and show off my Dallas Cowboys swag.
PRP: Is there anything else that you would like to add?
I would advice students to consider participating in the PRP program from the very beginning of your studies at the UTSoA. Use your studios and courses to help you discover typologies in architecture that get you excited! There are many firms that will allow to develop your interests. Don’t worry about pursuing the famous firms rather focus more on the firm that will allow you to grow and have similar values & beliefs.