When: Friday, November 15, 10am- 12pm
Where: WMB 5th floor hallway
What: At this yearly exhibition event, researchers present their ongoing research projects for the five-year Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2) consortium.
GRASSES was the first of a series of curated collections at the Materials Lab showcasing diverse themes found within our 28,000+ samples. The exhibition, held in Fall 2019, showcased a wide range of material products derived from the Graminae family of flowering plants. Grasses are defined by their hollow stems which join at alternating, sheathing leaves, and flowers arranged in spikelets. Of more than 12,000 known species, common examples of grasses grown in high volumes around the world include bamboo, corn, rice, sorghum, and wheat.

On Friday, November 8, the Center for American Architecture and Design will host David Heymann and Phoebe Lickwar as part of the Friday Lunch Forum series, presenting a discussion entitled "Photographic and Mixed-Media Representation," to be moderated by John Blood.

Please join Architexas for a presentation on the firm, current work, culture and hiring practices on Thursday, November 7. The event will be held in the Career Services office in Sutton Hall 3.128 at 11:00am with lunch provided.
Learn more about Architexas here.

This lecture will explore a genealogy of contained microcosms with the ambition to replicate the earth in its totality; a series of living experiments that forge a synthetic naturalism, where the laws of nature and metabolism are displaced from the domain of wilderness to the domain of cities and buildings. Beyond technical concerns, closed worlds distill architectural concerns related to habitation: first an integrated structure where humans, their physiology of ingestion and excretion, become combustion devices, tied to the system with umbilical cords; second, closed worlds

On Wednesday, November 6, Matt Satter, founding partner and COO of Drophouse Design joined us for our final lunch ‘n learn of the semester. Drophouse is a design/build/fabrication firm located here in Austin that was founded by Matt and his partner, Christian Klein, in 2012 after they met while teaching architecture in India. The name Drophouse comes from the idea of using “drop”—scrap material—to create places for living.

Please join Corgan for a presentation on the firm, current work, culture and hiring practices on Tuesday, October 29. The event will be held in the Career Services office in Sutton Hall 3.128 at 11:00am with lunch provided.
Learn more about Corgan here.