With great pride in the results of last year's Planning Forum re-boot, Volume 17 features work on the community revitalization provisions of Low Income Housing Tax Credit Texas allocation plans; a transregional scale of analysis for economic communities; the persistent issues of racial segregation, poverty concentration, and unequal access to opportunity in subsidized low-income rental housing in the United States; modernist architecture in Wroclaw, Poland; and advice for planners aspiring to work from within a progressive political framework. Volume 17 also includes three book reviews: the first argues for a "new materialist" approach to planning; the second highlights the relevance of labor unionism for planners; and the third evaluates new material on smart cities.
Brianna Garner
Adam Ogusky
Martin Sinel
Amelia Adams
Warner Cook
Greg Griffin
Allison Long
Raksha Vasudevan
Sam Day-Woodruff
Stephen Zigmund
Dr. Michael Oden
Dr. Sandra Rosenbloom