Principles and Intentions


The graduate Vertical Studios occur at the beginning of the Master of Architecture, First Professional degree program and are “vertical” in the sense that they include students with varying backgrounds and levels of experience in architecture. They were established with these principles: 

  • Each graduate student is responsible for the progress of their own education. 

  • The School is responsible for providing the essential opportunities, curricular structures, faculty, and informational resources for each graduate student to fulfill the above. 

  • A variety of types and areas of knowledge is helpful to the study of architecture. 

  • Recognizing that entering graduate students are adept at solving problems and tracking goals, vertical studios frequently ask open questions, present genuine dilemmas, and address relevant issues in architecture, broadly conceived, as well as transmit professional knowledge and skills. 

  • Skills develop best when they are integral to design activity. 

The School expects that each student will choose Vertical Studios that will build a comprehensive base from which they can continue to develop as designers and architects. The Vertical Studio Portfolio Review, which happens before students move into Advanced Studios, is meant to see if, in fact, this base is being well-formed. The Four Streams model is offered to help both faculty and students build that base in a comprehensive and balanced manner through the sequence.