Martin S. Kermacy Centennial Professor in Architecture
University Distinguished Teaching Professor

Christopher Long studied at the universities of Graz, Munich, and Vienna. He received his doctoral degree at The University of Texas at Austin in 1993. He first taught at the Central European University in Prague before returning to UT Austin. Professor Long has also taught at Vysoká škola uměleckoprůmyslová v Praze (Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague), in the Department of Architectural History and Criticism, and at Technische Universität Wien (Vienna Technical University), in the Department of Architectural Theory.
Trained as a cultural historian, Professor Long’s scholarly approach draws from cultural and intellectual history, as well as social history and cultural anthropology. His dissertation was a study of the Viennese architect and designer Josef Frank. Since that time, he has written extensively on various aspects of Central European modernism. He has also published monographs on several notable Central European émigré architects and designers in the United States. Among his many honors, Professor Long was named as an American Collegiates Schools of Architecture Distinguished Professor in 2016, and he was awarded an honorary doctorate at the Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague, in 2022.
- Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin, 1993
American Modernness: The New Graphic Art in the United States, 1890–1940 (Prague: Kant, 2024)
Adolf Loos: Význam, kontext, recepce–Eseje (Prague: Kant, 2024)
The New Interior: Viennese Domestic Design and the Beginnings of the Wiener Wohnkultur: 1907 to 1914 (Prague: Kant, 2024)
Lucian Bernhard (Prague: Kant, 2023)
Nový Prostor: pohyb a zkušenost ve středoevropské moderní architecture (Prague: Kant, 2023)
Josef Frank: Schriften / Josef Frank: Writings, Volume 3: Unpublished writings, Betrachtungen zu Kunst unserer Zeit (Vienna: Park Books, 2023; editor, with Tano Bojankin, Caterina Cardamone, and Claudia Mazanek.)
Adolf Loos: Meaning, Context, Reception (Prague: Kant, 2022)
Jiří Příhoda 2021|2011 Austin Texas (Prague: Kant, 2021)
Jock Peters—Architecture and Design: The Varieties of Modernism (New York: Bauer & Dean, 2021)
Adolf Loos: The Late Houses/ Poslední domy (Prague: Kant, 2020)
Eseje o Adolfu Loosovi (Prague: Kant, 2019)
Essays on Adolf Loos (Prague: Kant, 2019)
Adolf Loos on Trial (Prague: Kant, 2017)
Případ Adolf Loos (Brno, Czech Republic: Barrister & Principal, 2017)
The New Space: Movement and Experience in Viennese Modern Architecture (Yale University Press, 2016)
Der Fall Loos (Vienna and Munich: Amalthea Verlag, 2015)
Kem Weber: Designer and Architect (Yale University Press, 2014)
Paul T. Frankl: Autobiography (Los Angeles: DoppelHouse Press, 2013; editor, with Aurora McClain)
Josef Frank: Schriften / Josef Frank: Writings. 2 vols. (Vienna: Metro Verlag, 2012; editor, with Tano Bojankin and Iris Meder; introduction by Denise Scott Brown)
The Looshaus (Yale University Press, 2011)
Paul T. Frankl and Modern American Design (Yale University Press, 2007)
Josef Frank: Life and Work (University of Chicago Press, 2002)