Gian-Claudia Sciara

Associate Professor
Program Director for Community & Regional Planning Ph.D.

Illustration by Whitney Sherman ©2022 

Gian-Claudia Sciara is Associate Professor and Ph.D. Program Director in Community and Regional Planning at the University of Texas at Austin. She also serves as Nonresident Senior Fellow in Metropolitan Policy at the Brookings Institution. Throughout her career in planning research and practice Dr. Sciara’s work has been driven by her commitment to understand, challenge, and enhance the institutional context undergirding transportation. Many institutional frameworks that shape contemporary planning — including governance and decision-making structures, funding and finance arrangements, and planning practices — originated when private automobility seemed limitless, its climate consequences were unknown, and metro regions were emergent nodes in a global economy. Dr. Sciara’s work seeks to critically examine and reorient these inherited frameworks so that the regional plans and investments they enable can more efficiently and effectively stem transportation’s climate impacts, reduce car dependency, enhance access, and support more livable and equitable communities.  

Regional transportation governance is a longstanding focus of Dr. Sciara’s scholarship. Her work on metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs), which direct billions of dollars of U.S. transportation investment, has ignited scholarly interest in and dialogue about these understudied planning bodies. Her research highlights how these entities are uniquely positioned to advance sustainable regional land development and transportation and yet how serious institutional impediments keep them from doing so.

Dr. Sciara also focuses her institutional lens on the role of state legislatures in transportation planning and finance. State governments (and their local government partners) provide nearly 75% of total U.S. expenditures on transportation, and that share has been increasing over time. Dr. Sciara’s work shows how traditional revenue generation and allocation practices in transportation conflict with some states’ policies to enhance climate-action and energy transition in the sector.  Further, state legislators themselves see climate change and decarbonization as less important issues than road repair and capacity.  

Funding for Dr. Sciara’s current work comes from the National Highway and Transit Cooperative Research Programs of the National Academies of Sciences, the U.S. Department of Transportation, and the California Air Resources Board. Her research portfolio has also been supported by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, California Department of Transportation, and Hewlett Foundation.

Before joining The University of Texas at Austin, Dr. Sciara was a professional researcher at the University of California-Davis Institute of Transportation Studies. She has also held roles as Senior Consultant at Parsons Brinckerhoff (WSP) and key staff at public and non-profit transportation organizations, including Transportation Alternatives and the Tri-State Transportation Campaign in New York City. She was born and raised in Queens, New York, and earned a Ph.D. in City and Regional Planning from U.C. Berkeley, an M.A. in Urban Planning from UCLA, and a B.A. in history and German from Columbia University.


  • University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D., City and Regional Planning
  • University of California, Los Angeles, MA, Urban Planning              
  • Columbia University,  BA, History, German Studies


Sciara, G.C., Waxman, A., and Buchanan, R.  State Legislator Views on Funding 21st Century Transportation: Important Problems, Missed Connections. (Working paper.)

Sciara, G.C. “States Should Reimagine How They Fund Transportation.” Around the halls: Built environment issues that could define 2022. The Brookings Institution. Dec. 21, 2021.

Barbour, E. & Sciara, G.C. “Greenhouse Gas Management, Climate Resilience and Adaptation.” In Silva, J.A., Currans, K., Schneider, R., and Van Acker, V. (Eds.)  Handbook on Transportation and Land Use: Human-Centered Communities in an Age of Rapid Technological Change. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd  [Submitted Feb. 2022; forthcoming Fall 2022.]

Sciara, G.C., Rahman, M., & Walthall, R. (2021). A Seat at the Table? Transit Representation in U.S. Metropolitan Planning. Transport Policy, 2021(114): 165-173.  

Sciara, G.C., (2020). Implementing Regional Smart Growth without Regional Authority: The Limits of Information for Nudging Local Land Use.  Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 2020(103): 1-10.   

Sciara, G.-C., & Lee, A. (2018). Allocating Transportation Revenues to Support Climate Policies in California and Beyond. The California Journal of Politics and Policy, 10(1): 1-20.

Sciara, G.C. and Handy, S.L. (2017) “Regional Transportation Planning.” In Hanson, S. and G. Giuliano (Eds.) The Geography of Urban Transportation, Fourth Edition, (139-163).  New York: The Guilford Press.

Sciara, G.-C. (2017). Metropolitan Transportation Planning: Lessons from the Past, Institutions for the Future. Journal of the American Planning Association, 83(3): 262-276. doi:10.1080/01944363.2017.1322526

Sciara, G.C. (2012). “Planning for Unplanned Pork: The Consequences of Congressional Earmarking for Regional Transportation Planning.” Journal of the American Planning Association, 78(3), 239-255.

Gian Claudia

Office: SUT 3.144


Transportation Policy, Planning and Finance

Land Use and Transportation Integration

Governance of Metropolitan Regions

Non-motorized Transportation


Public Economics and Finance

Transportation and Land Use Planning

Transportation Planning and Policy

Bicycle and Pedestrian Planning

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