Juana Salcedo

Assistant Professor of Practice

Juana Salcedo is an architectural designer and scholar working at the intersection of architecture and urbanism. Her work critically reflects on the meanings, uses, and shapes of public space and the diverse ways the spatial arts can contribute to the making of caring and convivial responses. As a designer, Salcedo has led and worked in projects at a range of scales, from residential projects to schools and community centers, to urban-scale projects including urban waterfronts and green corridors.

Salcedo’s research draws concepts and methods from environmental history, urban political ecology, decolonial studies, and science and technology studies to reconnect architecture and cities with the larger environmental and socio-economic processes that shape them, focusing on Latin America. She also explores visualization and mapping as key means to foreground spatial issues and territorial discussions to broader audiences. Her current project, Infrastructures of Care: Jaguars, Humans and the Design of Urbanscapes in the Americas was awarded a Research and Development Grant from the Graham Foundation (2020) and a Production and Presentation Grant (2024) to develop the exhibition Jaguar Lens. Salcedo is the Meadows Centennial Fellow Center for American Architecture and Design 2023-2026. 

Before coming to UT Austin, Salcedo taught architecture studios and lectured at the School of Architecture at Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, and the Urban Studies program at the University of Connecticut.


  • Master of Environmental Design, Yale School of Architecture, 2013
  • B.A. History, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2010
  • B.A. Architecture, Universidad de Los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia, 2009


Infrastructures of Care: Jaguars, Humans and the Design of Urbanscapes in the Americas. Forthcoming

“Using Big Data and Network Theory to Inform Decision-making on COVID-19 in Bogotá: A framework for experimental design of policy evaluation of urban interventions” (with Alejandro Feged-Rivadeneira, Felipe González-Casabianca, Andrea Parra-Salazar, et. al.) Forthcoming

How Bogota is learning to see through the Lens of Care,” VOLUME 65: LIVING TOGETHER, Archis 2024 #1

Mapping the Jaguar Corridor: A Radiography of Urbanization,” Platform, 2023-2024, School of Architecture at the University of Texas at Austin.

Podcast Series: On Discomfort, 2022-ongoing, Failed Architecture. (with Maria Victoria Londoño and María Mazzanti)

“El Vacío de Los Héroes,” Failed Architecture, October, 2021. (with María Mazzanti).

“Delivery Workers Put in Question the Troubled Ideology of Public Space in Bogota,” Failed Architecture, March, 2021. (with María Victoria Londoño)

“Diseño y Pedagogía: New Learning Environments,” Arquitectura Viva, For Children. Schools in Africa, Asia, America. 185.6/2016. (with Giancarlo Mazzanti)

Juana Salcedo Headshot
  • Public Space
  • Urban Political Ecology
  • Mapping and Visualization

Expansive Practices of Care

Transitions: From Public Space to the Commons

Bogota Studio: Into the Commons

Cartographies of Interconnection: Jaguars, Humans and Urbanscapes in the Americas

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