Nichole Wiedemann

Associate Professor
Director of Professional Residency Program

The Paul Philippe Cret Centennial Teaching Fellow in Architecture

Nichole Wiedemann, AIA is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Professional Residency Program. She teaches design studios, drawing courses, theory seminars, and study abroad programs. From 2008 to 2013, she was the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs in the School of Architecture.

In her teaching, research, and practice, Wiedemann continues to focus on the essential elements of architecture -program, site, material, and representation- as sites for continual investigation rather than simply givens in the architectural equation. In her research, she examines site as a cultural construct in Re-Collecting Rome: A Diachronic Guide to the City. Following the devastation of New Orleans, with Jason Sowell, she began a body of design research examining the resiliency of the cities, which was exhibited in the 10th Architecture Exhibition of the Venice Biennale. A registered architect, Wiedemann maintains a small independent practice with projects in Texas, Georgia, and Florida. Her work, independent and collaborative, has been exhibited nationally and internationally as well published in the Journal of Architectural EducationOn SiteProgressive Architecture, and others.

Wiedemann has taught at the University of Florida, Rhode Island School of Design, and MIT. She is a Fellow of the American Academy in Rome and a previous John Williams Distinguished Professor at the University of Arkansas. In 2017, Wiedemann received an AIA Honor Award for Outstanding Educational Contributions in Honor of Edward Romieniec, FAIA, from the Texas Society of Architects.


  • Bachelor of Design in Architecture (Honors), University of Florida
  • Master of Architecture, Princeton University
photo of Nichole Wiedemann

Office: SUT 4.122








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Spatial Practices

MAPS: History, Theory + Practice

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Assistant Professor
Graduate Advisor for Urban Design

Claire Townley
