Planning + Public Affairs

Texas State Capitol building
Dual Degree: MSCRP + LBJ School of Public Affairs
How To Apply

The Community and Regional Planning Program of the School of Architecture and the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs offer a dual degree program leading to the Master of Community and Regional Planning (MSCRP) and the Master of Public Affairs (MPAff). Many leadership positions in government and the nonprofit sector demand both knowledge of substantive community and regional planning issues and innovative approaches to policy analysis development and public management.

The program is structured so that students earn both Masters' degrees simultaneously in three years instead of four by eliminating duplicative course work in certain analytic areas and in general electives. Students may choose to start in either program, although they are encouraged to take courses in both schools throughout their time in the dual degree program.


Students must apply to the Graduate School of the University of Texas for admission to the Dual MPAff and MSCRP programs. The admission process includes completion of the GRE examination, transcripts, and an admission form. Applicants must select the correct dual degree code for the PA and CRP programs on the application. This will route application materials to both programs. Applicants must be accepted by each School's admissions committee. For further application instructions, see the MSCRP Admissions Instructions

A student may apply to the dual degree program after having been admitted to either the MPAff. or MSCRP program, as long as the student has not yet matriculated from either program. The decision to accept a dual degree applicant will be jointly made by both schools' admission committees. Students in the dual degree program may, at any time, request a change of major from the dual degree program to either the MPAff or the MSCRP program. Students who exercise this option may not reenter the dual degree program.


  • 21 credit hours required Public Affairs core courses*
  • 6 credit hour Policy Research Project (two-semester course)
  • 6 credit hours public affairs relevant electives
  • 3 credit hours public policy summer internship**
  • 21 credit hours required CRP core courses*
  • 6 credit hour Planning Practicum
  • 6 credit hours CRP or CRP-relevant electives
  • 3 credit hours Professional Report OR
  • 6 credit hours Thesis

TOTAL: 69 credit hours


Students walking on campus outside Battle Hall


South Central Waterfront - Illustrative Master Plan