ULI Competition

The Stack

The Urban Land Institute's Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition is an annual graduate-level competition intended to provide an interdisciplinary learning experience for business and design students. Student teams work on large-scale sites with complex challenges that need innovative solutions reflecting responsible land use. Each team is required to work in a multifaceted way, incorporating design, planning, market potential, and feasibility into their development strategies.

Each year the School of Architecture participates in the Urban Land Institute's Gerald D. Hines Student Urban Design Competition. Participation in the national competition, along with an internal competition at UT Austin, is funded through a generous gift from the Cogburn Family Foundation.

Each year, students from across the School of Architecture's disciplines, from architecture, urban design, landscape architecture, community and regional planning, and the McCombs School of Business have taken part in the competition. UT Austin student teams have performed exceedingly well in the national competition, with two national winners, as well as many finalists and honorable mentions. 

The Urban Design Program at the School of Architecture also offers a ULI studio. The studio works in teams, taking on the same project that is the subject of the competition. The teams will continue to work after the initial ten-day competition to develop the group projects.