Born in Alabama, Jennifer Bonner founded MALL, a creative practice for art and architecture in 2009. MALL stands for Mass Architectural Loopty Loops or Maximum Arches with Limited Liability—an acronym with built-in flexibility. By engaging “ordinary architecture” such as gable roofs and everyday materials, Bonner playfully reimagines architecture in her field.

Air: the mixture of nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon dioxide that serves all forms of terrestrial life; that carries a million other compounds and particles; that we feel on our skins and breathe and smell; that vibrates with sound; that carries birds and planes; that foams water, feeds fires, and fills tires; that moves curtains and removes roofs; that presses in on everything without our noticing. Air invisible, essential, shapeless, shaped: how might we see you? Air, brother of Space, how might we design with you in mind?

Ingrid Quintana is the author of Hijos de la Rue de Sèvres. The book discusses all of the Latin American collaborators who worked at the legendary Rue de Sèvres, Le Corbusier’s studio in Paris. The rigorous field work in the archives of more than ten countries; and the proposal of a renewed vision of Latin American architectural historiography makes this an extraordinary and indispensable book that invites its reader to reflect on the contributions of these former collaborators to their own countries’ architecture.

On Friday, September 28, the Center for American Architecture and Design will host Sandi Rosenbloom as part of the Friday Lunch Forum series. She will present "Rethinking Green Infrastructure: When is Green not Green?"

Sharon Johnston is a founding partner of the architecture firm Johnston Marklee. Projects undertaken by Johnston Marklee are diverse in scale and type, spanning seven countries throughout North and South America, Europe, and Asia. The firm’s work is in the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Menil Collection, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the Carnegie Museum of Art, and the Architecture Museum of TU Munich. Johnston is a Professor in Practice at the Harvard Graduate School of Design.

SH 130 Concession Company CEO Andy Bailey will share insight on the past, present and future of public-private partnerships (P3s) based on his decades of P3 experience as a leader in the public and private sector. Hear his thoughts on the benefits of P3s to government entities and the public as well as a behind-the-scenes account of the rise, bankruptcy and ongoing turnaround of Texas’s first P3 highway project SH 130 Segments 5/6 and the lessons learned.

Thoughtbarn is a collaborative architecture studio, led by directors Lucy Begg and Robert Gay. Founded in 2007, the practice has pursued an agenda of ambitious and diverse projects-buildings and public spaces, installations and interiors -which share in common an inventive materiality, an economy of means and a robust connection to place and social context. Our name is suggestive of the way in which we work, combining strong conceptual ideas with a research-oriented mindset and a hands-on approach to the construction process.

On Friday, September 14, the Center for American Architecture and Design will host K. Wyking Garrett as part of the Friday Lunch Forum series. His talk will be entitled, "Imagine Africatown: Culturally Responsive Design & Planning in Black Neighborhoods." Garrett is the President of the Africatown Community Land Trust, an organization that is buying and developing land in the historically black section of the city of Seattle, and is committed to advancing Black architectural vernacular in the process.