Delta Millworks
4701 E. 5th St.
A forum on linking transit and affordable housing policies in Austin region to build sustainable, inclusive communities.

On Friday, March 28, the Center for American Architecture and Design hosted Danilo Udovicki-Selb as part of the Friday Lunch Forum series. He presented "Brunelleschi's Secret."

The CMPBS, established in 1975, is a non-profit education and research center that specializes in life cycle planning and design. Headed by Pliny Fisk III and Gail Vittori, the CMPBS pursues projects that emphasize regional contexts as bases for responsible resource use relative to materials, energy, water, waste, food, and meaningful employment.
Center for Maximum Potential Building Systems
8604 FM 969, Austin, 78724

In a remarkably short period of time, additive manufacturing (AM) has embedded itself into the main-stream consciousness. Often referred to as 3D printing, AM encompasses a range of methods, 3D printing being just one. There is also stereolithography (SLA), selective laser sintering (SLS), fused deposition modeling (FDM), digital light processing (DLP), polyjet matrix modeling, and laminated object manufacturing (LOM), with variations.
Stefan Behnisch is the founding Partner of Behnisch Architekten. He is a world-renowned advocate and educator of sustainable building design, and has lectured at conferences all over the world. Behnisch’s goal—to connect the forces of human life and the natural environment—fuels the design of every commission his firm receives. Since founding Behnisch, Behnisch & Partner in 1989 (now known as Behnisch Architekten), Stefan has directed the design of dynamic, award-winning buildings that promote sustainability within the built environment.

On Friday, February 28, the Center for American Architecture and Design hosted Michael Benedikt as part of the Friday Lunch Forum series. He presented "Beyond Adjacency."
Goodwill Resource Center
Tour Guide: Catherine Luna, Commodities Manager

On Friday, February 21, the Center for American Architecture and Design hosted John Asher and Mark Simmons of the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center as part of the Friday Lunch Forum series. They presented "Bringing Nature Home: Incorporating Ecosystem Science into Urban Design."