Graduate students pursuing an advanced degree at The University of Texas at Austin have the option to pursue a stackable Graduate Certificate in Urban Design: Housing and Urbanism, which will require the completion of three courses (9 credit hours) selected from a prescribed list, below. The Graduate Certificate in Urban Design: Housing and Urbanism will provide a framework for the investigation of the issues that impact the construction of the urban environment and their resultant effect on the human condition in cities.
- ONLY the UD graduate sections of the courses listed below may fulfill the Stackable Graduate Certificate requirements.
- Please do not register for a cross-listing in another discipline or an undergraduate section. It is not possible to count any other section toward this Stackable Graduate Certificate.
Contact the Graduate Program Coordinator with any course registration questions or for more information.
REQUIRED: U D 388K Urban Design History, Theory, Criticism
U D 383M 2 - The Healthy, Livable City
U D 384M 1 - Housing Practice and Policy in Latin America
U D 384M 2 - Urban Housing: Typology and Invention
U D 384M 3 - Affordable Housing Planning and Policy
U D 386M 1 - Race and the Built Environment
U D 386M 2 - Design and Informal City
U D 389M 1 - History of American City Building