Unlike prescribed places where play occurs, Playscapes argues that play is most enhanced by spaces that simply inspire imagination. As a daycare and public event center for Stamford, Connecticut, Playscapes is a facility designed for imagination through unpredictable sculptural forms and landscape integration. Fundamental to the design strategy were adventurous spaces that motivate children and adults alike. A spatial module for the building and an image hybridizing tool, the Ostagram, for the site were starting points for the project scheme. Inspired by surrealist images of nature, Playscapes manipulates the site and building through natural and synthetic spaces to facilitate dynamic perceptions of reality. Thus, Playscapes fuses the concept of fantastical play with a surrealist vision of the natural environment into one of concrete means.
Spring 2022 Design Excellence Award Winner
Hayden Hood, Charley Tyeskie, and Rachel Sisson
Advanced Studio
Instructor: Miroslava Brooks