Written in Stone: Materiality & Interconnectivity in Franklin Park by Laura Brusson

Humans are agents of change, altering our surroundings since the beginning of anthropogenic history. This proposal examines how we interact with inert materials and how, in turn, inert materials interact with us. By re-evaluating the notion of site history, the project argues for the value of inert materiality in its connection to the human experience. Material feminists, such as Jane Bennett, rethink enchantment in materialism, a notion which framed the design process. Through the study of the Roxbury Puddingstone, a rock formation only seen in the Roxbury neighborhood of Boston in which Franklin Park is located, the design highlights material texture and contrast to vitalize the park. The proposal engages diverse scales, from geological transformation to that of the human body, to create comfortable and engaging nodes for the surrounding communities. While the proposal investigates the past of Franklin Park, its intention is to provide a place for its users to write new stories on the landscape.

Spring 2020 Design Excellence Award Winner

Laura Brusson
Advanced Studio 
Instructors: Gina Marie Ford and Maggie Hansen